List of Frontier Communications operating companies

Frontier Communications owns local telephone operating companies consisting of companies it has owned under its previous name Citizens Communications Company, companies it acquired from Global Crossing, and companies it acquired from Verizon Communications which are grouped under its subsidiary Frontier Communications ILEC Holdings. The companies operate in largely rural areas (with a few exceptions).


Citizens companies

The Citizens companies refer to all of the subsidiaries of Frontier Communications that were formed before 2001 when it was named Citizens Communications Company. They provide local telephone service to their respective regions, denoted in the corporate name or next to it. The companies include [1]:

Rochester Telephone companies

Rochester Telephone Corporation, later Frontier Corporation, and now Global Crossing North America, Inc., sold its local telephone operations to Citizens in 2001. The companies Frontier owned in New York include[3][4]:

Frontier Subsidiary Telco, LLC was established in 1990 to own telephone operations located outside of New York. The companies owned by Frontier Subsidiary Telco include:

Former Verizon companies

Frontier purchased New Communications ILEC Holdings from Verizon on July 1, 2010, acquiring several companies that Verizon inherited in its acquisition of GTE as well as one company it owned when created as Bell Atlantic.

Another new company was created from the Verizon split that wasn't owned by Verizon; rather, it was always owned by Frontier.

See also
